Monday, July 8, 2013

Society Killed The Teenager


     The youth today are too often careless, aggressive, and irrational, they say. We are still young, we need guidance, and we want to be heard. Why do you think teenagers rebel? Is it because you don't give them what they want? No. Teenagers rebel because they are too often ignored, they are not taken seriously, they are not being listened to, and no one even dared try to understand them. Admit it, you judge a young lad with tattoos on his body. You assume that he is dangerous and that he does drugs or is a member of a gang. Well, did you ever tried to ask him what that tattoo meant to him? What is the story behind that particular tattoo? Take Kellin Quinn for example. He has a tattoo on his chest which says, "Before You I Serve Nothing". It stands for his faith. Oliver Sykes has a tattoo on his arm of a dead bird with a banner of the word "Betrayal". It is implied that he can never fully trust anyone again because his friends from High School backstabbed him and betrayed his trust. They painted their bodies because they wanted to show the world in what they believed in. 

     You see, that's the problem with society it judges too quickly. You outcast people because they're Black, Asian or Jew. Why is that? You point out people's flaws. You make them feel worthless and you make them believe that they can't change into someone better because you put them down and you crush their self- esteem's. Some others self- harm because people tell them they don't deserve to live. It crushes you and you feel like they're right. Some just commit suicide because they believe that's the permanent solution to a temporary problem.

     Society influences people. Whenever one discriminates the other, the other does the same with everyone around them. People should be careful with their words and actions because it's influential and it changes others. The youth of today may have been influenced by people around them to make them act so crudely and inconsiderate towards everyone because of that. Society is not society without its people.